A newlywed couple returned from their honeymoon

As soon as the newlyweds returned from their honeymoon

the young bride called her mother, who lived a couple of hours away.

“How did everything go?” her mom asked.

“Oh, mother,” she began, “The honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic, we had a terrific time.

But, mother, on our way back, Andy started using really horrible language.

Stuff I’d never heard before Really terrible four-letter words.

You’ve got to come get me and take me home.

Please, Mother!” the new bride sobbed over the telephone.

“But, honey,” the mother countered, “What four-letter words?”

“I can’t tell you, mother, they’re too awful! Come get me, please!”

“Darling, you must tell me what has gotten you so upset….

Tell mother what four-letter words he used.”

Still sobbing, the bride said, “Mother, words like dust, wash, iron, cook.”

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