Why You Should Never Kill A House Centipede Inside Your House Again

Centipedes are recognizable by their worm-like bodies, many legs, long, sensitive antennae, yellow to dark brown colors, and small mouths that contain venom glands. As a matter…

Michael Jordan Cuts Ties with Nike Over “Woke” Agenda, Takes Air Jordans With Him

Beaverton, Oregon – In a stunning move that has rocked the sports and fashion world, basketball legend Michael Jordan has announced his resignation from the board of…

A woman walks into a cafe

A woman walks into a cafe with a stomach ache. After a while she realizes she needs to relieve herself, knowing her farts are loud, she decides…

Remember those Headaches?

A woman comes home and tells her husband, “Remember those Headaches I’ve been having all these years? Well, they’re gone.” “No more headaches?” The husband asks, “What…

A blonde wanting to earn some money

After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type…

A man lays sprawled across three entire seats at a posh theater. Before the show has..

“Sir, you’re only allowed one seat, can you please sit up?” The man groans, but stays where he is. The usher becoming impatient with the man says,…

Husband and wife sit together

Husband and wife sit together in the kitchen and have breakfast. Out of the blue she hits him with rolling pin. After a few minutes conscious again…

Funny jokes ‣ Only 25 cents | Funny

Cave took the blonde to her first soccer game. They had great seats behind the team bench. After the performance, he asked her how she was enjoying…

A married man was visiting

A married man was visiting his girlfriend one day, when she requested that he shave his beard. “Oh, James, I like your beard, but I would really…

A woman accompanied her husband to doctor

A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor’s office. After the check-up, the doctor took the wife aside and said, “If you don’t do the following, your…