BACKFIRE! Indіgenouѕ Trіbe Cаllѕ ‘Ben & Jerry’ѕ’ Bluff, Wаntѕ Lаnd In Vermont Bасk Where B&J Iѕ Heаdquаrtered

“Thіѕ 4th of July, іt’ѕ hіgh tіme we reсognіze thаt the US exіѕtѕ on ѕtolen Indіgenouѕ lаnd аnd сommіt to returnіng іt. Leаrn more аnd tаke асtіon…

The manager hired a new

The manager hired a new secretary. She was young, sweet and polite. One day while taking dictation, she noticed his fly was open. While leaving the room,…

The Sinking Ship And Life Lesson

A couple went for a cruise tour to enjoy their private honeymoon while leaving their children at home. Unfortunately, the cruise ship was sinking due to catastrophic…

Positive Thinking

A nurse entered patient’s room two hours before his operation. She fixed vase and while working, suddenly asked patient, “Sir, which doctor is doing your operation?” Patient…

A Farmer Goes To The Bank

A farmer goes to the bank to ask for a loan.When the loan officer denies him credit the farmer’s dog bites the officer. Then she turns around…